At Monument EHS, LLC (MEHS), our consultants seek clear sustainable solutions that improve the quality of life. We take this responsibility seriously, because our work often places us at the center of our clients’ challenges regarding environment, safety, and sustainability.
We have helped many Fortune 500 companies balance environmental needs with business goals. Monument Environmental offers a full range of professional services that include:
- Environmental/occupational health and safety
- Brownfields
- Regulatory compliance
- Site investigations and characterization
- Remedial engineering
- Water resources
- Computer modeling
- Litigation support
Environment, Health & Safety Service Areas
As concern about the workplace and community health and safety has grown, so has the demand for professionals to evaluate working conditions and community exposure. The work of health and safety professionals increases in importance and scope as the legal ramifications surrounding employee and public health continue to spread.
MEHS puts the expertise and experience of our environmental and occupational health and safety professionals to work to ensure that environmental conditions are properly recognized and assessed. For industrial workers and building occupants, we identify health and safety hazards, exposure pathways, level of risk, and appropriate control measures. For environmental hazards, we identify contaminants of concern, determine mobility and fate, and evaluate existing and predicted environments, including remediation/treatment design parameters.
Applications of our collective environment, health, and safety expertise include the following:
In-Building Services
- Indoor air quality investigations
- Water quality studies
- Subsurface vapor intrusion studies
- Building surveys for asbestos, lead-based paint, mold, radon, PCBs, mercury and other hazardous materials
- HVAC system performance evaluations
- Legionella investigations/remediation
- Water loss emergency response
- Renovation/demolition planning
- Operations and maintenance plan development and implementation
- Spill prevention countermeasure and control plans
- Odor investigations
- Employee health compliant investigations
- Asbestos/lead hazard program management
Industrial Hygiene Services
- Hazard assessment
- Worker exposure monitoring
- Sick building syndrome evaluations
- Noise surveys
- Exhaust ventilation system evaluations
- OSHA compliance assistance
- Program and facility audits
Site Investigations & Remediation
- Site characterization and analysis
- Prediction and management studies
- Remediation technology design and implementation
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
- Nationwide capabilities to perform ASTM/AAI compliant Phase I ESAs and Transactions Screens
- Telecommunications
- Pipelines
- Portfolio management and development of web-based, interactive, document control systems
- Lending institution pre-approval
Vapor Intrusion Assessment
- External and sub-slab soil-gas sampling
- Vapor intrusion modeling and risk assessment
- Designing vapor intrusion mitigation systems
Human Health Risk Assessment
- Source term exposure assessment
- Toxicology studies
- CERCLA and EPA compliant human health risk assessment
- Dynamic systems models (DSM) for water/mass balance
- Contaminant fate and transport
- Inverse modeling for source evaluation (forensic support)
- Data management & visualization
- Hazardous waste operations
- Hazard communications
- Spill Response (fuel oil, pool chemicals, paints)
- Emergency response
- Hearing conservation
- Lead/asbestos awareness
- Respiratory protection programs
- Personal protective equipment
- Permit-required confined space entry
- Excavation safety
- Lockout/Tagout
- Bloodborne pathogens
- Heat/cold stress
- Fall protection
- DOT labeling and shipping of hazardous materials
- Indoor air quality
- Behavior-based safety
- Incident investigation and root cause analysis
- Ergonomic hazards
- Legionella investigations and control
- Radiation safety
Litigation Support
- Expert reports and testimony
- Evaluation of data defensibility